Senior Adults
The Senior Adult ministries purpose is to meet spiritual, physical, and emotional needs providing times of fellowship and sharing with meals, music, trips and other projects. The members have a great homebound ministry made up of visits and cards.
Bible Study
Our senior adults have many choices when it comes to Bible studies on Sunday morning. Below is a list of our current groups. Some groups are all men and all women, while other groups are mixed. Contact us if you would like more information.
A-208 Friendship (Senior Adult Bible Studies for Life)
C-202 Hope & Joy (Adult Explore The Bible)
A-123 Golden Circle (Adult Bible Studies for Life)
C-204 Good News (Adult Explore The Bible)
A-127 Kingdom Seekers (Senior Adult Bible Studies For Life)
Get Connected
50+ Lunch and learn
Mark your calendar for the third Tuesday of each month and join us for a wonderful time of food and fellowship.
Our next luncheon will be June 20th at 11:00 Am. There is a suggested donation of $5 per person. Register using the short form below.
For more information or questions, please contact Karen at
Please fill out this form to register for any of our events or to participate with our outreach ministries. Thank you!